MGT602 Business Decision Analytics

MGT602 Business Decision Analytics

Decision Style Analysis Reflective report

MGT602 Business Decision Analytics

Assessment Instructions

Fast changing workplace demands in the 21st century call for greater flexibility in the ways
individuals and work teams make and implement decisions.
This assessment draws on learning activities and resources from weeks 1-4. It is designed for you to
record and reflect on the decision-making preferences, processes and tools that you use personally
on a daily basis and compare and contrast this with one or two major personal or business decisions.
You should include in your reflective report:
1. Decisions actually made during a one- week period (select from weeks 1-3)
2. 1-2 major decisions you have made
3. Your decision-making preferences (see activity Module 1)
4. Personality style/ strengths and their impact on your decision-making style, bias and blind
5. Reflection on feedback and insights from at least three class members
6. Sources of data and use of decision-making tools to make decisions
7. Evaluation of those decisions and their significance
8. Visual interpretation of data / trends/ patterns

9. References from weeks 1-4 (modules 1-2) subject learning resources that demonstrate
your reading, understanding and ability to apply effective decision-making tools.




This report has been designed to reflect on the decision-making skills that I have taken over the last three weeks. The report will analyze all the small and large decisions I had made and using relevant tools, identification, and discussion on my decision-making styles will also be performed (Laureate, 2020). Two of the major decisions I had made in the last few days will be analyzed in detail to evaluate my personality style and strength and Reflection will be provided on those by at least three class members. At last, the evaluation of the decisions and their significance will be discussed.

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