MRKT20057 Assessment 3: Global marketing

MRKT20057 Assessment 3: Global Marketing

Marketing analysis of Beechworth Honey was conducted which is one of the leading honey product producing Organisation in Australia. It is one of the most trusted Organisation in the industry with over 130 years of business operations and a rich heritage that support their quality and Standards of honey products

Assessment Instructions

Assessment Type: Presentation and Group Report
Assessment Due Date: Week 11 Monday 11:00 pm AEST
Weighting: 40% (presentation 20 mark + group report 20 mark)
Task Description
Assessment Task 3 is designed to support students to be practical in applying international marketing
theories/concepts in their workplace. Building on the Environmental Analysis of Assessment Task 2,
this task requires the students to prepare a report on recommendations involving the decisions
regarding (a) market selection, (b) mode of entry, (c) competitive strategies, and (c) the marketing
mix strategies and present the findings in class.
Students must reinforce their discussion with clear evidences (i.e. books, academic journal articles,
industry and government reports, charts, diagrams, websites and newspaper articles, dating no
further back than 2015). Students are highly discouraged from simply downloading country profile
data from CIA Factbook, Wikipedia, or generic online sources.
Notes and important advice:
• Assessment Task 3 is a group task. Therefore, students are expected to form their group (no
more than 3 members in each group) within the first 5 weeks of class. Students should make
a group whom they can communicate with on a regular basis.
• Assessment Task 2 and 3 are related. Groups are required to discuss and select a company
and a country that have been analysed in Assessment Task 2.
• All groups must submit their PPT slides, along with a 1,500 words report.
• Students should support their discussions with at least 15 academic references.
• Penalties for late submission are applied as per CQU policy.
• On-campus (internal) students will be presenting their findings in class time during Weeks 11
and 12. Each group is required to present for 15 minutes with a maximum of 15 slides.
• The marking criteria for this assessment can be used as a guide to include what is needed in
the slides.
• Students do not need to read the in-text referencing or references at the end of the slides
during presentation.
• As this is a group effort, all group members must participate in the presentation, especially on
the metro campuses. If any group member does not participate in the presentation without
prior notice, or if other group members inform about any of the group members’ no/lack of
contribution, then that group member will not receive any mark.
• Only one PPT file and one report need to be submitted per group.
• Students must not click on ‘Final submission’ of files in Moodle unless PPT file has been
uploaded for their group.
• Students need to start working on this assessment as soon as Week 6 as it involves lots of
research, preparation and group effort and must not wait until the last minute to do this


MRKT20057 Global Marketing

Student ID

Student Name



References: APA


Executive summary

The report discussed how Beechworth Honey can successfully expand its business in the Chinese market by targeting middle to upper-income class people who like high-quality honey products for health and lifestyle benefits. The recommended mode of entry for the company is exporting and to achieve a competitive advantage over a high level of rivalry in the country, the honey manufacturing organization can position itself as premium quality and natural honey provider without concentrating on the price. The marketing mix strategy which the company can use for a successful launch includes using a competitive pricing strategy and introducing honey products in different shapes and sizes along with attractive packaging to increase the interest of the customers. Retail outlets, supermarkets and online stores should be the sales and distribution channel for the organization while the promotional strategies the company is recommended to use include direct advertising, personal selling, and sales promotion.

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